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Best Yoga Poses in the First Trimester


Best Yoga Poses first trimester

Expecting mothers often experience hormonal changes in their bodies that may impact their physical and mental well-being. Although pregnancy is an overwhelming and joyous time for mothers-to-be, it requires special care and exercise to remain healthy.

Yoga has an excellent impact on the body during pregnancy. However, it should be practised carefully. Here, we have discussed the best yoga poses in the first trimester that will help improve flexibility, reduce stress, and reduce labour pain during birth.

3 Best Yoga Poses to Practice in the First Trimester

Here are some of the most practised Yoga Poses that you can follow in your first trimester:

  • Tadasana (Palm Tree Pose)

Tadasana improves body posture and provides physical and mental relaxation during pregnancy. The classic balancing pose also strengthens back muscles and legs and provides quick hip exercise.

Here are the Steps:

  1. Stand with your feet close to each other. Gently shift your body weight on your left foot and slowly lift your right leg.

  2. Depending on how much your body can stretch, comfortably place your right foot on your lower left leg or thigh.

  3. Slowly raise your arms over the head and join your palms together.

  4. Concentrate at a fixed point straight in front of your face and maintain this pose for a minute.

  5. Repeat the same posture with the opposite leg.

  • Butterfly Pose

The asana appears to be like a butterfly flapping its wings. It is a good pose for loosening the hip joint and increasing blood circulation to the pelvic floor.

Steps to do it:

  1. Sit on the floor comfortably and stretch your legs completely straight.

  2. Slowly bend your knees and join the soles of your feet together.

  3. Try to stick your heels as close to the body as possible and gently relax your thigh muscles.

  4. Grip your feet tightly with both hands and gradually bounce your knees up and down like the wings of a butterfly.

  5. Utilize your elbows to press your legs downwards, and repeat this 25 to 30 times.

  • Marjariasana (Cat-Cow Pose)

The asana is often called cat-cow pose as it resembles a cat stretching its back. Marjariasana works like a stress-buster for expecting moms and brings physical benefits.

Steps to Follow:

  1. Use a yoga mat and kneel on your palms and knees.

  2. Slowly inhale as you raise your head and gently arch your spine toward the floor.

  3. Move your chin upwards and stare at the ceiling.

  4. Slowly exhale as you bring your chin close to the chest and gently arch your spine upwards.

  5. Repeat the pose for 10 to 20 times.

Choose Cryoviva for a Brighter Future

Yoga can do wonders for your body, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy. Embracing it and practising it carefully will also positively impact your emotional well-being. Stem Cell Banking is also one of the most effective ways to safeguard your baby's future from diseases. Visit Cryoviva to learn more about its benefits and why it is important during pregnancy.


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